This site uses a custom theme developed by David Merfield and John Beaudoin. The site itself uses Merfield’s static site generator to display the content from folders of markdown files. I use Obsidian as an integrated writing environment, and it is a joy to use for all of my writing projects.
Most of the images that accompany the text are from the Unsplash website and the individual photographers are credited in the cutlines beneath each image.
The text is displayed in Sans Serif Pro, while the headings and navigation are displayed in Overpass.
You can subscribe to a feed for this site at This address is likely to change if I change the domain of the site — please use the Contact page to let me know if it is broken.
For a far more detailed description of how this site came to be, and how it fits into my larger goal to create “living books” and closer connections between writers and readers, please visit (TK).
For more information about me and my work, please visit my personal site or my professional site